Parishes across the United States are hosting and studying the Eucharistic Revival small-group series Jesus and the Eucharist. Here at Saint Nicholas and Saint William Parish, since the fall of 2023, we have had over 70 people expierence the 7-session series which unveils the good news of Jesus Christ and God’s saving work in the Eucharist. This is the first phase of of the Eucharistis Revival. It ends with
Our FAITH FORMATION PARENTS SMALL GROUP is open sanession for parents during the Faith Formation program classes.
Session are for one hour on January 21, 28; February 4, 11; March 3, 10, 17, 24; April 21, 28 and May 5 in St. William Hall.
HOME SMALL GROUP OR PERSONAL STUDY: You can still experience the Jesus and the Eucharist series that some have called pivotal for their faith journey. This Lent, we invite all who have not been able to enjoy this inspiring program, or those who want to experience it again, to watch from hom with your family, friends or even by yourself. The seven sessions each include prayer, lessons (1 hour) and discussion time (1 hour) that can be watch as a beautiful act of prayer for the Lenten season. You can view the video sessions and download the worksheets from this link.
OPEN GROUP: We have an open group on Thursdays at 1 pm in St. Nicholas Hall that has finished the Jesus and the Eucharist Series and is continuing to meet using other programs and books.
Watch a preview of the National Eucharistic Revival here.
Throughout the National Eucharistic Revival, local communities are gathering in response to God’s invitation for renewal, calling on the Holy Spirit to bring the flame.
In keeping with this vision, the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage will accompany Jesus from four points across the US, traveling city by city, lighting hearts on fire along the way. Then, at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indiana in July 2024, all these flames will blaze together. There are only four starting points for this pilgrimage, with the West Coast route, the St. Junipero Serra Route, starting in San Francisco.
On Sunday, May 19, our parish joined this pilgrimage from the St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral and waked across the Golden Gate Bridge ending our portion of the Serra Route at in Marin. There are "Perpetual Pilgrims" that will walk all the way from California St. Mary's, over the Rocky Mountains, across the Great Plains and to Indiana for the National Eucharistic Congress, covering over 2,220 miles.
The pilgrimage started wtih a Mass at St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral with Archbishop Cordileone. This mass featured the world-premiere of the Missa Pange Lingua, A Mass for Eucharistic Renaissance commissioned by the Archbishop from the Benedict XVI Institute's composer-in-residence Frank La Rocca. Dr. Alfred Calabrese conducted the 20-voice Schola Benedictus XVI choir.
We invite you to watch the journey of the pilgrams this summer and hope you can attend one of the Congresses!
For the first time in 83 year, there will be a Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana from July 17 - 21, 2024 for laypeople, clergy and religious. This is meant to be a gathering of the whole church which you are a member! All are welcome to attend all five days or just one day if you can make this trip. Learn more and register at this page.
Since many will not be able to attend the National Eucharistic Conference, our diocese will host a Congress on June 1, 2024 at Bellermine Prep in San Jose.
You can also review more information on the Diocese of San Jose website and the National Eucharistic Revival website.
If you are have questions, please contact Catherine Campbell.