For over fifty years, I have recycled cans, bottles, and paper and I have composted food scraps. While I did not take up this ecological mission because of my faith, it is now sustained and driven by faith.
Our Director of Music, Mr. Gary Soals, is leaving Saint Nicholas and Saint William Parish. As of today, October 10, 2024, he is no longer an employee of the parish. Our music ministry will continue under the guidance of Michael Sternhagen, Director of Liturgy, who will ensure the continued excellence of our parish liturgical celebrations. We thank Gary for his many years of service to our parish and wish him well in his future endeavors.
The most important relationship a follower of Christ should have is with Christ. Jesus says that if we love him, we should keep his word and expect him to make a home for us. That speaks to Jesus having a relationship with us. Our relationship with Jesus also helps us to have better relationships with one another. He is the example we should follow.
The purpose of the Chalice Program is to encourage families to pray and promote vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. The Consecrated Chalice is a tangible reminder of this particular intention for the Church. The Second Vatican Council highlights the laity's responsibility to pray for and support vocations. This urgent call has been strongly affirmed in the writings and addresses of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. Praying for vocations is the most powerful way to support them.
Every October, we consider more deeply why every human life is valuable and reflect on how to build a culture that protects life in all stages, from conception to natural death. All through October, we will be praying for expectant mothers and collecting donations in support of Cros Catholic Outreach Haiti, Birthright San Jose and Guadalupe Hope Society San Jose.
This year, remember your deceased loved ones with an All Souls' Novena of Masses for the souls of the faithfully departed. The Novena takes place from November 2nd, All Souls' Day, through November 10th, and you can remember your deceased loved ones by filling out the form below. Requests will be accepted through November 2, 2024.
Saturday October 5, from 8:30am to 12:00pm at Our Lady of the Rosary (3233 Cowper St, Palo Alto)
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers: These ministers assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion to the congregation during Mass. They may also bring the Eucharist to homebound parishioners.
On September 21, 2024, at Archbishop Mitty High School, nearly 200 young adults across the Diocese of San José came together for a transformative day of listening and reflection.
I think the point Jesus is trying to make, in a very graphic and dramatic way, is this: "Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than belonging to God’s kingdom, and anything that becomes an obstacle must be removed from our lives.”
Each year in May, the Order of Malta goes on pilgrimage to Lourdes, France. As a part of our Order’s charism to help the sick and the poor, we invite those who are sick, affectionately called Malades, to join us on this pilgrimage. I invite you to nominate a worthy person for the Order of Malta’s 2025 Lourdes Pilgrimage.
We, too, are challenged to “show others the right way to go.” And I am convinced that if we do not show our sisters and brothers the way to go, someone else surely will.
We have completed the second month of the new fiscal year, 2024-2025. Thank you for your ongoing support of the mission and ministries of our parish. For the month of AUGUST our average weekly collection was $20,229. You also generously donated to various important causes in our AUGUST second/special collections at $4,380 ($1,094/week) This brings our AUGUST weekly average to $21,324.
The California Catholic Conference (CCC) is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in California. We advocate with policy makers and the public to advance the Catholic vision of human life and dignity, to enhance the honorable and good in society, and to uplift those who are poor and vulnerable. We offer education to Catholics and the general public. We empower Catholics to put their faith into action consistent with Catholic teaching.
I like ranking things. Maybe some of you do, too. I like it when people ask me what my favorite books or movies are, who I think are the best quarterbacks in NFL history, what are the all-time best sitcoms, or which books or music I would want if I were stranded on a deserted island.
We're seeking volunteers to care for our church’s flowers and plants, especially with watering. If you have a green thumb we'd love your help. For more information, please reach out to our Parish Office.
Six years ago, on October 6, 2018, on the Vigil of Our Lady of the Rosary, our brand new parish (formed by the merger of Saint Nicholas and Saint William parishes in Los Altos) began its new life by being consecrated "To Jesus through Mary."
There is an air of excitement at Saint Nicholas and Saint William Parish. Our Parish Office, located at the Saint Nicholas site, will undergo a much-needed remodel to better serve our community. The renovations will start on September 5th. During this time when you visit the office, you may notice some dust and disruptions as our contractor works on the upgrades.
There is a short answer to your question in Paragraph 2301 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which tells us that: "The Church permits cremation, provided that it does not demonstrate a denial of faith in the resurrection of the body."
Marriage Help – Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi) has helped tens of thousands of couples at all stages of disillusionment or misery in their marriage. This program can help you too. For confidential information about or to register for the September Marriage Program beginning with a weekend on Sept 20-22, 2024 call 408-605-4998, email us: [email protected] or visit the website at