Thank you for your ongoing support of the mission and ministries of our parish. For the month of DECEMBER, our average weekly collection was $34,225. You also generously donated to various essential causes in our DECEMBER second/special collections at $17,195 ($3,439/week). This brings our DECEMBER weekly average to $37,664. We budgeted our Sunday Offertory income (minus special collections) for JUL-DEC(26 weeks x $24,000) at $624,000 and received $632,000 (+$8,000).Our 2024 Christmas Collection was $130,000. We use the extra income to maintain and improve our parish campus buildings and grounds. As you know, we depend on your good stewardship practice to fulfill our parish mission. The love that these gifts represent will enable us to continue the work we must undertake here at Saint Nicholas and Saint William Parish. Your generosity helps us more than you can imagine.